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Art Book Gift Guide Christmas 2021

Art Book Gift Guide Christmas 2021

Art Book Gift Guide Christmas 2021

When I first started out in art, approximately 5 or 6 years ago, a lot of the learning I received was from other artists on YouTube. Despite the fact I was completely hooked by the colored pencil medium for lots of different reason, I wanted to learn about the other mediums available, and as my drawing abilities grew so did my thirst for learning about different genres of art.

It was at this stage of my art journey that I knew YouTube may not cut the mustard and so I started seeking artistic knowledge through the various art books on the market and as a bonus, some of the books are from artists I have long admired and look up to for inspiration and guidance through my art.

Drawing Birds Using Graphite and Colored Pencil by Alan Woollett.

Alan Woollett is one of the finest colored pencil artists in his field of drawing birds from all over the world. From the majestic Tawny Owl to the slightly more exotic Flamingo. Alan’s book, Drawing Birds Using Graphite And Colored Pencil, is an excellent guide, filled with so many tips and techniques for creating layers of feathers. However “Drawing Birds Using Graphite and Colored Pencil” is not just a teaching book, this book is among one the first I pick up when I am low on inspiration and need that wee boost.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £11.76 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $22.13 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €21.99

Colored Pencil Painting Bible by Alyona Nickelson

This book by Alyona Nickelson was one of the first books on colored pencils that I purchased, the Colored Pencil Painting Bible book is fantastic source for colored pencil artists of all grades, this book shows the reader everything they need to know to get started in this absolutely wonderful medium. As I said, the Colored Pencil Painting Bible book is perfect for new artists to colored pencil or established colored pencil artists seeking a refreshers and an extra inspiration boost.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £13.41 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $16.29 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €21.99

Pastels For Absolute Beginners by Rebecca de Mendonca

I was fortunate enough that Rebecca reached out to me on the release of this wonderful book to review it, as is the case with quite a few of the books in this list, I have much more in-depth reviews on The Art Gear Guide of the books individually should you feel the need to visit them. However, Rebecca De Mendonca’s Pastels For Absolute Beginners is a tremendous source for artists wanting to learn more about pastels. I have long admired pastel artists and tried to create a few paintings, but until I read Rebeccas book, I was trying to create art with pastels in the same way I would with colored pencils and this is just not the case.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £7.99 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $19.95 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €16.45

A Complete Guide To Drawing Horses In Colored Pencil by Cynthia Knox

In my opinion, Cynthia Knox is almost like the mother of the Colored Pencil medium, almost like the Patron Saint of Colored Pencils. Cynthia has pen many books helping colored pencil artists master various different genres of art, one such book is this gorgeous book “A Complete Guide To Drawing Horses In Colored Pencil”. This beautifully illustrated book shows how to create eyes full of life, giving character and meaning to the portrait you are drawing, as well as demonstrating how to portray the short hair of the horse.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £19.99 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $25.99 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €23.55

12 Colored Pencils Techniques by Cindy Wider

Cindy Wider is an outstanding Colored Pencil artist from Australia, she once lived in the UK were she became an Ambassador for Derwent Colored Pencils. Among many other things, Cindy is the amazing creator behind the adorable Cuddle Cat characters. Cindy’s book “!2 Colored Pencil Techniques” is a straight forward no nonsense book showing those interested in the medium we all love so much, the basics and fundamentals of Colored Pencils. Starting out in colored pencils is not a simple as pick up a set of pencils and draw, there is so much more to the medium and Cindy’s book demonstrates this beautifully.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £24.08 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $34.99 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €33.51

How To Use Watercolour by Geoff Kersey

I wanted to make sure that this list was not just books on Colored Pencils and so I had to add this book by the amazing watercolour artists Geoff Kersey. Geoff has a wonderful website were he provides online tutorials, this is where I first discovered Geoff Kersey. I then purchased his book “How To Use Watercolour” and can’t begin to explain the inspiration and level of detail you will learn from this exceptional book of the beautiful medium of watercolours.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £6.78 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $12.24 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €10.79

Draw Portraits In Colored Pencils | Ann Kullberg

Ann Kullberg is perhaps the largest and most comprehensive contributor to the colored pencil world. Ann Kullberg prints her own magazine called Color Magazine, as well as the monthly publication jam packed with colored pencil artists tips and techniques and so much more, so many established colored pencil artists have published their own books via Ann Kullberg’s publishing service. This amazing book “Draw Portraits In Colored Pencils”, is a splendid collaboration of 29 Colored Pencils, each displaying their own portraiture styles.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £27.99 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $36.99 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €35.30

The Encyclopaedia Of Pastel Techniques by Judy Martin

This is another pastel book added to the list, I have included this book by Judy Martin, an all round excellent book for those of you wishing to start out in pastels right from the very beginning. “The Encyclopaedia of Pastel Techniques” explains the different pastels on the market and what each kind of pastel is best used for, showing the various papers available and so much more

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £8.99 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $19.95 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €15.49

Realistic Still Life In Colored Pencil by Cynthia Knox

This is another book by the amazing Cynthia Knox, one of her more recent books. “Realistic Still Life In Colored Pencil” is aimed toward slightly more established colored pencil artists. In this book you will learn how to draw all manner of surfaces. This is another superb publication from the wonderful Cynthia Knox, it is absolutely worth checking out Cynthia Knox’s name on Amazon to see the many other books penned in her name.

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £6.26 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $9.89 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €14.20

Colored Pencil Painting Portraits by Alyona Nickelsen 

The final book on the list is another from Alyona Nickelsen, “Colored Pencil Painting Portraits” is another book aimed more toward the slightly established colored pencil artist. You will learn how to create realistic colored pencil portraits using the techniques the masters of yesteryear used, applying colors you would ordinarily not expect to use. 

Here in the UK this book will cost approximately £13.99 for the delightful artists of the UK , For the exceptional artists in the US you can expect to pay $20.49 and for those wonderful artist in the EU you can expect to pay approx €28.17

Christmas Artist Book List Roundup 

This list is a selection of books from artists I have personally admired and drew inspiration from over the years of my own art journey. The selection of books in this list covers a good range of other mediums, colored pencils, pastels and watercolors. 

Listen, art is all about enjoyment, fulfilment in your life, passion and allowing your creative juices to flow, but in all honesty, when we think about books, we think school and constraints, but let me just stop your thoughts of fearful school days, this is absolutely not the case with the books on this list, here we have group of amazing artists, sat around a coffee table, teaching us all how to hone our artist skills, you select the book you want and imagine that artist has just leaned across the table to whisper in your ear the secrets of their success. 

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